In Africa there is a long history of piercings, but they had significance to it and is was not just meant for beauty. They took the idea of the piercing to a whole another level. The Maklolo tribe would stretch there lips out 6 months before they got married usually around the age of 16. The size of the lip plate indicated the amount of dowry he would give her. Dowry was the amount of money or property that her future husband. Also in South Africa before marriage a man would gift a woman a gold noise ring. The nose ring would be worn throughout there marriage. If the couple ever split up the women would sell it for her financial settlement. Nose rings were also to determine the wealth of your family. The more expense the nose the higher class you were placed in. Piercings in Africa had a purpose and were rarely meant for beauty. Woman were the main ones to get them and they usually always tied in with marriage.
Written By: Natalie Gutierrez