Who knew that a puncture made in your body would have so much meaning and add beauty to a human? Piercings from all of the cultures we've talked about have the idea that if you have a piercing, you are considered more attractive or beautiful compared to people who don't have them. In most of the countries, we have mentioned the purpose of getting any type of piercing is to improve the overall beauty of one person. Piercings have been shown to improve one's self-esteem and confidence and our a way to express our self. In the 21st century we make piercing in different shapes colors and we even add diamonds. These different designs have made the idea and visual of piercings a more beautiful concept. It adds color and more life to our body. It gives us a way of self expression , and around 61% of Americans have piercings and 81% of them have ear piercings. Piercings are so important throughout the whole world and the are something that not a lot of people think about.