Egyptians were serious when it came to their piercings. For example, only the pharaoh could have his navel pierced. This symbolized wealth and status in Egypt. The oldest mummy found in Egypt had holes in its ears which could have symbolized pierced ears. Ancient Egyptians were also the oldest people to be found with stretched earlobes. This could mean that the Egyptians were the first to get their ears pierced. Most Egyptians, piercings showed your love of beauty in their culture. Some royal families pierced their navels with gold rings to display high class and status. Egyptians had many practical piercings but there were also some that didn't have a purpose. Such as the elaborate gold earrings which often showed objects found in nature. For example roses, flowers, leaves, trees, etc. These earrings would show how rich the person was and how much they valued their overall beauty. Earrings were also worn by child kings, and this would signify that the children were a part of the royal family. Egypt was one of the many places that piercings were encouraged and were often worn between all ages. Nose piercings were also common throughout the lower classes. They were used to show status.
Written By: Lucy Karagyulleyan